Fritz The Cat

I haven't yet seen this movie because I am 14, but it has been something that I have been obbsesing about all summer. How raunchy is it? I would really like an answer because it is something that I want to know. I went to it's page on Wikipedia and found out not much information. Another thing, who is the one who puts full length movies on Google Video because Nine Lives Of Fritz The Cat was on that and I want them to put this one on there so I can see it.


The basic summary of Fritz is that it's a young guy experimenting with every vice available in backstreet New York. Drugs (soft and hard), casual and group sex, binge drinking and violence all get shown. What makes it such a cult flick rather than a tawdry shock-tactic film is the choice of animation, and using animals rather than humans to portray the characters.

Im sure there are many that will say "ZOMG UR LIEK 14 THATS WAAAAY 2 YUNG" but, if you think you can take it, then track the film down and watch it. It's very eye-opening if you "get it", and it's just a crude cartoon of dogs with tits if you don't.



I watched it when was like 8 (I just turned 13 on December 31) and I was fine with it, R rated and X rated movies don't shock me much at all, and they never have. I'm thinking about watching Fritz the Cat again too, I have the memory of my pet goldfish (I can't even remember what I named my goldfish) so I can't remember Fritz too well.

And where have I heard the quote from your signature from? I distinctly remember it from somewhere, but my damn memory sucks and won't tell me where.



Go ahead and watch it... by today's standards, it isn't that "raunchy." It does have very serious moments (characters getting killed), strong drug use (remember - early 70s), and hilarious sex scenes (the rabbit at the orgy - I'll never forget it!!!!)




I first saw it when I was fourteen.
If you consider yourself mature, go ahead and watch it.
If you live a very sheltered childhood, it might be a shock to you.
You might be disgusted, you might find it to be a revelation, hell you might even get a cheap laugh or two.



Im 15 and I saw it.Its not really THAT bad.I mean it has cartoon animals having sex and you see nudity.There's also a couple of f-words,drug use(weed and heroin) and some violence with a good amount of blood.


where are you from because where i live you can rent the movie at the library in north smithfield public library in ri or check out


saw this movie on dvd it was rude imaginative entertaining and hiliarous movie. the movie's animation was impressive in fritz the cat and the 1977 movie wizards dude.
