divorce action

There´s a scene in that Blamey´s "friend´s" apartment where they discuss the made-up spousal abuse that was apparently necessary in order to get an immediate divorce - did it REALLY take 3 years back in 1972 in all other cases to get an official divorce, even if both sides wanted it? That´s what they say in the film, but it does seem pretty absurd to me...

"facts are stupid things" - Ronald Reagan


It could take considerably more than 3 years back then. It wasn't till the mid 70's that it one could get a divorce fairly quickly. Back then there was no such thing as a "no fault" divorce like they have now. Even if both parties wanted the divorce one had to have a legitimate excuse such as physical cruelty, abandonment, or infidelity among other things to actually get a judge to grant a divorce. Even then the judge would more than likely require considerable amounts of counseling etc. trying to repair the marriage rather than grant the divorce. That's one of the reasons that the divorce rate was so much lower back them. In those days it was easier to fix what was wrong with the marriage unlike today it's much easier to just give up and move on. Both of those scenarios have their pros and cons, but in the long run things were much better back them.

If a man speaks in the forest and no woman is there to hear it is he still wrong?


To avoid fraud, "abandoment" undoubtedly had the longest waiting period. I doubt that any grounds that threatened the health or safety of one of the parties would take very long.
