
I have seen this movie many years ago. and got the impression that it was origenly made as a porn movie, and heavly cut for the video relese. does anybody know if this is true.


according to the incredibly boring audio commentary by the director, the thing was originally supposed to be a porn movie, then it was supposed to be mostly soft core porn, with just one hard core scene, then they decided to get rid of the hard core scene... as far as I can tell that is how it was originally released, it wasn't chopped up for video release.


I have the original movie trailer of Flesh Gordon on DVD and it includes a second where a woman is inserting a dildo into another woman. Yet in the original DVD release there isn't such scene to find. However I think that the US special edition DVD release might contain that scene. Either way is Flesh Gordon rated as adult material.


I have the collector's edition DVD with the restored scenes, and it would still be rated "R".

There were rumours when it came out of an X-rated cut, and on the commentary the director confirms that such scenes were filmed but claims that the X-rated version was destroyed and never distributed. At another point, he mentions how someone had distributed the (R-rated) film to some theaters without his knowledge...

In 1983, I saw "Flesh Gordon" at my college. It was supposed to be the "R-rated" version (the students weren't allowed to show X-rated films in the college theater). But from the beginning of the film, it was obvious that we were seeing an X-rated version of the film, although it did seem a strange mix of hardcore and soft porn.

When the sex-ray is first used, hitting the airplane, Dale was clearly shown fellating and masturbating several passengers. This was not just alluding to it with distant shots or slightly-off-camera, it was graphic closeups leaving no doubt that it was X-rated material (and it is *not* the version on the collector's edition DVD). There were a couple more hardcore scenes scattered through the film but the rest was softcore, so we never knew what to expect (I thought at the time it had been done intentionally, perhaps even artistically).

I speculate that one of the partners had taken a copy of the print when the x-rated scenes were still in it and distributed it himself, without the director's knowledge; or, that when the director ran into legal problems he only *claimed* that all the x-rated prints had been destroyed.

But an X-rated version did get out, and I saw it almost a decade later.


I have now seen this Region 2 DVD and found the Commentary to be anything but boreing, the story behind the making would make at least a very good book. surprising it hasent been done. I wonder if the x rated one will ever surface again on DVD.


According to the commentary all hard core scenes were seized by police in a raid. They say that their lawyers had to fight to get the R-rated material out of the police locker. They never retrieved the x-rated scenes (the orgy in Ming's chambor, Flesh & the princess in the ship, and the gay orgy in the forest).

Still its a great movie and the sequel was not nearly as terrible as it seems to be rated.

"pack of monkeys in my pocket,
my sisters ready to go"


The UK DVD I watched does contain a vaguely hardcore bit. During the first scene in Wang's throne room, a chap has clearly (though very briefly) risen to the occasion!


Yes I too have that UK DVD and it seems to be also in The US DVD. I think the UK DVD Is slighty more explicit then the US Special Editon however.


If you watch the background during the Throne room orgy scene you can spot a few frames of hardcore. It gives you an idea of what the movie was intended to be before the cops seized all the bad stuff.

"Flying blind on a rocket cycle"


When I saw this film in a cinema, there was a greast scene, when this guy was tied up and and an attrative dominant woman is approaching with a wicked smile. One is thrilled by what she's going to do to him. Then we do not see, because the film has already been expurgated. Then I bought a video version of this film, and the scene with the dominant woman is not even there. More heavily censored. Does anybody know where to find an encesored version ?







"I have seen this movie many years ago. and got the impression that it was origenly made as a porn movie, and heavly cut for the video relese. does anybody know if this is true."

Read the trivia section of the IMDB listing.


I can't anything definitive to this thread, other than:
1. I saw this movie three times in South Florida at the time of its release. At that time, in the greater Miami/Ft. Lauderdale area, there were theaters that showed Hard R and Soft X and Hard X versions of the same movies. I had to sit through a Hard R and Soft X version before the full monty, as there had been quite a bit of buzz. Back in '74, there were a number of skin magazines that devoted a lot of ink to its release. I think even Playboy talked about the different versions.
2. As I recall, the completely hardcore version was not VERY hardcore. Only a few scenes, but they were not inserts of extraneous scenes or stand-ins, they were the same actors.





Yes! I saw its devue and laughed thru it all! Very witty! boobs, a gay scene, and the language!


Ignore the trivia section, it's utter BS. Yes, this was originally released as a porno, albeit a pretty lame one by even early 70's standards (I'm certain they were aiming for a parody more than anything, so the hardcore stuff wasn't given priority). Much of the confusion comes from the fact that the "original, uncensored version" isn't actually the full version of the movie. It's still cut-down from the original X-rated release, and only serves to enhance the existing R version with whatever it could get away with that would still qualify for that rating nowadays.

So yeah, there's a lame X-rated version (I've got it, so don't bother trying to convince me it doesn't exist), two R-rated versions (original and restored), and even a PG-rated version (I kid you not, it was done many years ago for theaters to show on weekends to the midnight movie crowd, although it was such a bad editing job that I'm sure it wasn't done with permission, and I was seriously tempted to complain and ask for my money back).

But the most important bit of info I can give you is simply this: Don't bother looking for the X-rated version (which, if you find it, will either be on VHS or copied from one, so it won't look anywhere near as nice as the retail disc), just get the newer R-rated DVD. The differences are minor, and having the hilarious material in high quality easily beats having a crappy copy with a few godawful X scenes tossed-in. Hell, it's funnier without that stuff, to be honest, which only serves to distract from the humor.



Thansk for the info on the X and "R" versions. I do have one question. Was the gay sex scene longer in the X version? I seriously had to rewatch it twice before I figured out what was going on!



I guess this would qualify as softcore porn, but it's hard for me to imagine anyone finding this erotic, though it was very entertaining.
