a different ending?

dracula a.d. is one of my fav hammer films and i watch it all the time when it's on either sky or the bbc. but, does anyone else remember a differenting ending too the film? i'm sure as a kid i was saw a version where jessicas boy friend came for her at night through her window and there was a chase through the roof tops and cemetary. i may be getting it mixed up with another hammer film but i'm sure this happened, but in all the reshowings of the film that ive watched through the years it's never happened. jessica's bf is just shown dead in the cemetary. can anyone lighten me on this ?


The chase across the rooftops sounds like a sequence from DRACULA HAS RISEN FROM THE GRAVE, where Dracula is about to put the bite on Veronica Carlson, only to suffer "dental interruptus" when someone comes into the room and repels him with a cross. Dracula bursts through the French windows and makes his escape across the village rooftops.


aye, i've thought of that too. but i've watched 'dracula has risen from the grave' quite a few times also and i've considered i've gotten both films mixed up together thru the years. but i still can't help thinking that in 'dracula a.d. 72' the bf had a bigger role towards the end of the film. i'm sure he <the bf> came back after jessica once they had killed dracula in the grave yard. i just have this memory of him and jessica fleeing thru the roof tops heading towards the church..and him then being killed before he bites jessica due too him not making it too his coffin in time before the sun rises. but, i am probably getting it all mixed up with various hammer films i've watched repeatedly thru the years.
