Truth in advertising?

Retromedia's DVD proudly proclaims this is the widescreen version of the film. WRONG!!! It's a badly cropped pan & scan image, chopping off chunks of the film's actual title.


I must respectfully disagree.

I have the same DVD and it shows no signs of being Pan & Scan.

The anomalies you mention are (most likely) the result of your own TV or video monitor "overscanning" the image -a frequent occurrence.

Another possibility is that the original source material may have been over-cropped in the original printing process, since it does appear "pinched" on my screen, though by no means having "chunks chopped off."

"If you don't know the answer -change the question."


It looks fine on my TV too.


It looked even better than the return of Simon Flabbgas's insertion.

Nothing is more beautiful than nothing.
