Worth watching?

Forget the horror part of this movie, is it a decent Vietnam war movie aswell?

"Nobody is free, even the birds are chained to the sky" - Bob Dylan


no its not a war movie at all

I'm not a lady I'm an anthropologist


Agree. Not a war movie but still very good and well worth watching.


It's not a Vietnam film as such, no, but it's a scathing, unambiguous indictment of the war. Yes, I'd say "Deathdream" is worth watching either as a political statement or a horror movie, or both. Just be prepared for a slow-moving film (at times almost agonizingly so)--it's paced like some '30s Poverty Row flick until the last fifteen or twenty minutes. Screenwriter Alan Ormsby acknowledges on the DVD commentary that the pacing is problematic.


Yes! This is not a great war film in the same light as Platoon, but is more similar to Born on the 4th of July and the scars that soldiers bring home with them.


Not the movie for anyone looking for 'Nam stuff. Watch it anyway you won't regret it
