witch burn

does this film not also have a scene in which the women are burnt at the stake?

i hear this is a reasonably good scene?


I don't know if there is a "burn at stake" scene. However, I need info from anyone out there that can help me figure out some movie confusion. When I was very young, between 7 - 10 years old (I was born in 1966), I saw a movie where in the movie a young blonde woman had a flashback where her and these other people were wearing traditional pilgrim attire' and the people accussed her of being a witch, took her up to a hill like clearing outside where there was a lot of green grass, forced her to lay down on the ground, layed a big wooden door like thing on her from her neck down, and then proceeded to place large stones on the door in order to try to crush her to death. Does anyone know if this is a scene from the movie "The Daughters of Satan" with Selleck, or some other movie. I thought I remembered it being called "The Witches of Salem," but it's been so long. If anyone has any of the info to my question, would you please email me at [email protected]? This has been bugging me for far too long. Thanks : )


It's an old movie of the week from the early seventies called "Crowhaven Farm" and the actress under the door was the late Hope Lange.


Hello melindas7

I believe the film you are looking for is THE CONQUEROR WORM (1968) starring the great VINCENT PRICE. This film is also sometimes titled THE WITCHFINDER GENERAL. Hope this helps.
Tom Malone


Just saw the movie.
The scene of the women is very short and filmed like a dream as the painting in which the three witches are showed burning seems to take life.


The person who said Crowhaven Farm is correct,love this movie,saw it when I was a child and that scene really stuck in my mind.Took me years to find a copy of it.
