MovieChat Forums > Daughters of Satan (1972) Discussion > Great cheesy 70's B movie!!!

Great cheesy 70's B movie!!!

It had cheesy effects, bad acting, bad editing and Tom Selleck(who did not do a bad job). I love 70's movies like this-they dont make alot of sense and they go from scene to scene without explaining much.

But the lady that played Kitty-she was crazy-those eyes and bone structure-she fit the character completely. I liked when she was going to jump to her death and the doctor comes up to her and says make an appointment and we will take care of this problem. Or the part where Kitty bits Selleck in the arm for no reason. She was really having fun with this roll.

I wonder how many paintings it took to make this movie? Anyone know?

Close your mind and enjoy the 70's cheese!!!!

7 out of 10.
