Dvd would be great

It would be great to see some of the early 70s made for tv movies on dvd. Some of those (like this one) are quiet good


I know there are fansites of collectors who are willing to make copies from their private collections. I happened to find a collector who has "Chill Factor" for a friend looking for a copy of the movie. http://www.pimpadelicwonderland.com/havesgenres.html


Hello guys,
You can get it off this site as well, they are known for there ultra rare TV movie collection:


there's a new book available at amazon.com called TELEVISION FRIGHT FILMS OF THE 1970S that talks about this film.


I found the DVD available here, as well:


But the quality of the picture is not too good. I know it was transferred from VHS to DVD.


i found it after many months of searching at http://shop.vendio.com/HARDTOFINDFILMS/item/888765610/index.html

i admit the quality is that of a video transfer to dvd, but its a copy nonetheless and i was overjoyed to have it arrive recently. i watched it and it was almost as spooky, as when i was a preteen and watched it on "movie of the week"

reminded me of how easily spooked i was as a kid and how active my imagination was.
also found another gem from way back starring karen black "trilogy of terror". gotta love those 70's made for t.v. flicks.


if you're still looking for A COLD NIGHT'S DEATH i know that the website modcinema.com has a good transfer of it on DVD. Hope that helps!
