I was scared for months

I saw this movie at the Gem Theater when it first came out; I had to have been about 11 years-old. I was scared for months.
I haven't seen it since but I think I am going to watch it again.


hahhahaha.... I know the feeling!

I saw this when I was about five with my 16 yr old sister on the "creature double feature, night owl show". At the time we were scared, it was midnight, and the house was black. My sister insisted that I walk her to the bathroom cause she was so scared. Years later I watched it again just because I had such good memories of that time with my sister. By that time, I couldn't get past the laughing LOL The striped brady bunch pants couldn't keep me focused on the story. Now im sitting here watching it at a 40 yr old, and realizing that some of the sarcastic dialogue is quite amusing. poor orville! that is what they get for making fun of him


I love this movie, but I can't imagine ever being scared of it even at a young age. The dark comedy/atmosphere of this film reminded me a bit of Creepshow and Creepshow 2 which I saw at about 7 or 8 years old and loved even then. I wasn't a bit scared of either movie and loved every minute of this film. I didn't see Children Shouldn't Play With Dead Things until about 2 or 3 years ago but I would love to know how I would've reacted to it if I saw it at a younger age and if I would enjoy it as much then.

I've been waiting for you, Ben.


If I'd have seen this as a kid I wouldn't have slept for weeks! Just seen it for the first time today (I'm 33) and I just about managed not to vomit! I found the film very slow as well. But the zombie make-up was very good, especially for the budget.
