Did Anya die?

I've watched the scene over and over, but I can't tell: was Anya munched at the end, or did the zombies carry her away because she was humble and didn't partake of the indignities?


I think (hope) that she was munched cuz she was a freak! This movie was very cheesy and the main character's dialogue was trying waaaaay too hard. LOL!

Your Lord and Master,


she's dead


They all died, that was part of the "dark" appeal of the film.


Anya became Purina Zombie Chow, and the undead all got high after eating her.


Purina Zombie Chow? They should have used that in the movie, it fits the tongue-on-cheek dialogue of the movie.


Yeah from the moment I saw how boney her arms where I thought it was a lost Colista Flockheart movie or something. She reminded me of the female lead in "Nightmare Before Chirstmas" or maybe even Jack himself. There wasn't much meat on her bones to bother with. Maybe they gave her to any zombie dogs that might have been around and they used her as a chew toy.



I have my doubts. The zombies looked pretty dubious when Adam handed her over, like: "Are you kidding us? Thanks for nothing." There wasn't enough meat on those arms to feed a kitten.

The only reason for time is so that everything doesn't happen at once.


IMO she was carried away.

Because it's more than obvious when he offers her up they look back as if to say "are you crazy? she didn't do anything." and she was pleading with Orville to forgive what they were doing.

Open it. Today might be your lucky day.


I thought that part was hilarious... but the look was'nt "are you crazy?" it was more like "YOU FREAK!"


I was all ready to say that the zombies MUST have chowed on her, but I just rewatched the scene and you can see that the first two who catch her look back up with the "WTF" look, and (more importantly) the other ones behind them kind of pick her up and carry her away but don't start to immediately devour and fight over her.
Though I'd like to say zombies have no pity for even the repentant, it really did look like she was spared (even though she was out her damn head).



IMHO Los Zombies did NOT chow down on her--her vapidity could very well have allowed her pass as "one of them" except for the OBVIOUS veganism of the poor misguided girl. (which may ALSO explain why they didn't eat her since she was quite literally a walking vegetable and we all know what zombies prefer)

I like to think she stayed alive on the island with those who didn't take the boat and worked as a new age grief counselor for them helping them through the difficult transition to the living dead, you know, drumming sessions, barely past life regressions and loud moan therapy. She was undoubtedly successful with this career and may even have writen some Zombie self-help books: "Releasing your Inner Ghoul", "Men are from the Plot by the Oak Tree and Women are from that Gooshy Place over by the Gazebo" for a start, but hey, I'm funny that way.

Nihil curo de ista tua stulta superstitione.


I love her book: "So you're dead... now what?"


According to interviews that Clark has given regarding his remake of CSPWDT, this kind of silliness will be a big part of the story's "re-envisioning."

