Satanic Stalin tentacles

While Trotsky was exiled in Mexico, evil Stalin plans to assassin him in a so distant place - desision taken by the fear of Leon Trotski's theories of "continuous revolution" exposed in his books and preaches in Russia and abroad, prove his satanic future plans of establishing one man's power and will, a dictature in Russia.

If Trotsky's ideas were spread and established in Russia, surely would have deprived him of his great ambitions that only himself - as a victoruous leader of WWII, could maintain the power and duration of the Bolshevik revolution.
Story of the assassination proves that Stalin realy was, a great insincere fox of the Russian steppe.
It is peculiar that the other two WWII winner-leaders trusted him in Yalta!

Always at your disposition


Because they were no better, and neither was Trotsky.
