MovieChat Forums > The New Price Is Right (1972) Discussion > The Blonde Lady Who won THATS TOO MUCH

The Blonde Lady Who won THATS TOO MUCH

Was anyone else shocked that she won, one of the hardest games on the price is right????

If she did not have a friend in the audience she was lost. This friend even helped her win the showcase with a $1
bid. All the contestant wanted to do was jump and bouce around like a total dimwit.


Yeah she annoyed me from the start. Going up on stage after her name was called. Really, has she never seen the show? Then like you said bounced and jumped around like a coke fiend the whole time. I was definitely surprised she won that's too much though. The showcase idea was smart at least. Obviously the other woman way over bid so why bother trying to guess and potentially lose as well haha


OMG !! I totally agree with everything you said
