MovieChat Forums > The New Price Is Right (1972) Discussion > Get rid of the idea of having male model...

Get rid of the idea of having male models

They just don't work. The current one is worse than the other one was. All he does is wave and point, oh, and take his shirt off. Guys simply do not make good prize models. It would be like replacing Vanna White on Wheel of Fortune with a dude. It just wouldn't look right.


I agree. It actually comes off quite awkward.
However, I heard it is has to do with a gay producer bigwig wanting it.


They just don't work... for you. You need to add that. Welcome to century 21, and attempts to leave behind the totally male centered world where only women are objectified for the sake of the macho dominance. I would lay bets Drew would castigate you for your remarks. Unfortunately, your type will probably always be around because ignorance is nearly impossible to stamp out!


They just don't work... for you. You need to add that. Welcome to century 21, and attempts to leave behind the totally male centered world where only women are objectified for the sake of the macho dominance.

Thank you.

This thread is laced with homophobia and reeks of insecurity.

Times change. Some people actually *like* seeing a male model. a HOT guy presenting a prize. Sorry if that makes some of you guys feel inadequate and "weird". Because let's be honest, that's really what it's about. Some of you just don't know what to do when you see a man being "objectified". right?

And some of you are biased as hell. A lot of the men they have/had on these shows present these items no different than the females models do. Give me a break.

OMGZ...things have changed!!! Y NO FEMALE MODELLLZZZ...the world is ending!!!


There will still be women there for you to stroke your tinymeats to. Chill out.


Or at least the idea of male models who absolutely SUCK at presenting the prizes. The two they've had, and especially the one they've got now, only seem to know how to point at stuff intermixed with pointing at the person and clapping. It's laughably bad.

Yesterday, the guy just resorted to banging on the tire of the car he was tasked with showing off during the showcase.


Came here to see if anyone else thought this too. Yeah, the guy really creeps me out. He's not bad looking by any means but he makes me uncomfortable seeing him do the things he does. In Bob's day it was always females, that's just how it was established to be. You don't mess with the formula for some easy PC agenda points. There's a reason there were no males before now. Not everything needs equal representation. I wouldn't want to open Playboy and find dudes in it because of "equality". Stick to female models on the show please.


I wouldn't want to open Playboy and find dudes in it because of "equality".
Well, they have Playgirl for that. 


In Bob's day it was always females, that's just how it was established to be.

I grew up with "Barker's Beauties"... Diane, Holly, Janice, and later Kathleen. Yeah, it was a little sexist at times, but all the girls had their own personalities.


Ha ha, I thought the same thing watching the show today. Having male models is so dumb. The show has gone so gay now and having a gay producer as the other poster stated explains it all.

God I miss the days of Bob Barker.


Absolutely agree.

If you don't read the newspaper you are uninformed. If you are misinformed---Mark Twain


Did he replace the skinny blonde female model ? I don't see her anymore.


Did he replace the skinny blonde female model ? I don't see her anymore.
Do you mean the one named Melissa something-or-another? If so, she's not a regular model. She's from The Young and the Restless, a soap also on CBS so that's why she's on occasionally.

ETA: And if you mean Rachel (I forgot about her, oops!), she's still on.


I just Googled pictures, and yes it's Melissa. Thanks.


Good grief! Having a male model finally brought the show into current times, and people complain because of the way he points or waves?

I love there's a male model on the show, and I'm glad that when the first one quit, he was replaced. That says to me male models on the show are here to stay. I like seeing a guy in a swimsuit in the hot tub or on a boat, or even just on a motorcycle. At long last, the show is an equal opportunity sexist!


The job of a prize model is to make the prize more enticing. When you see a male model on the show with his shirt off are you more interested in watching him than whatever it is he's suppose to be demonstrating? If so then he's not doing a very good job. The prize should always be the main focus.


Oh, so the beautiful female models don't make the prizes more enticing? Huh!


Oh, so the beautiful female models don't make the prizes more enticing? Huh!
I think that's exactly the OP's point, they absolutely DO. Because they actually know how to present it.

The two male dolts they've had on the show just point at the item, clap, point some more, clap, point at the contestant, clap some more. Or in the case of the current one, pound on the item with an open hand. I also saw him kick the tire of a car during a showcase once. It's just ridiculous to watch, as he is clearly uncomfortable doing it. The only time he has presented a prize where it didn't seem like he was painfully aware of how awkward he looked/was behaving was when they had him jumping on a trampoline. Otherwise, he just seems to know he's there strictly to take his shirt off later -- case in point, exactly what you said you enjoy about having the male models. But they can still have that AND get someone who doesn't suck at showing the items off.


I love it when he pounds the car!

