Has a contestant ever....

Has a contestant ever not understood a game? Just curious if there has ever been in a situation where the player wasn't understanding something


My guess is that they would stop the taping of the show to make sure the contestant understood the game. Or if the reason for not understanding was a language barrier, they would have someone there that spoke the contestant's language so they'd get it.

The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist.


More than half of the people who play Check Game don't understand it the first time the rules are explained to them. One contestant even tried to write the amount of the check in the display window instead of on the actual check.


Watching Time Is Money right now and the guy is clearly clueless. ?


His playing of that game was so incredibly awful it was laughable.


Happened yesterday, 3/30/16, with the guy playing Temptation. He cheered every time he chose a number and they put it on the screen and let out a big whoop at the end when they lit up the fifth number -- he so clearly didn't understand that the first part was just him picking which number he THOUGHT it was going to be, and that the "temptation" part would be if he wants to change any numbers or keep the prizes.

It was incredibly frustrating to watch, because Drew didn't seem to pick up on the fact that the guy thought he was right every time. Drew under-explains games like that sometimes, and over-explains simpler ones at times.


Go to youtube and look up One of the Worst The Price Is Right Players Ever
