MovieChat Forums > The New Price Is Right (1972) Discussion > "Anyone you want to say hi to?"

"Anyone you want to say hi to?"

This bugs me when Drew asks this question at the big wheel. It seems to distract the player and cuts down on the suspense because they usually are paying no attention to what number they are landing on.


What gets me is the ones who say hi to their family and friends in the audience. They're already there with you. You don't need to say hello to them through the tv camera.


I hate it when they do that too


I hate when he does that. Some people keep talking after the wheel stops. And Carey is creepy. Sorry fans.


This is a weird throwback to the early days of the show in the 1970s. Back then, it was literally against the law to say hello to someone. Congress or the FCC set forth the law that television was not a medium for personal communication, and saying hello to someone would definitely break that law or regulation.

Game shows of the era all did this to get around it - they asked, "Is there anyone you would like to say hello to watching at home?" And the answer would be, "Yes, I want to say hi, to my Mom, my Aunt Jean, and my dog Biscuit."

This was a trick to get around the rule. Notice that the person didn't actually say hi to anyone. They just wanted to say hi to someone.

I'm sure that that rule from back then either no longer exists, or because it's been "broken" so many times in exactly this way, just isn't enforced.

I want the doctor to take your picture so I can look at you from inside as well.


Interesting, could you cite which regulation you're referring to?

Must have been hard for all those award shows and such where the winners during their speech thank everyone and their sister


Nope, I wouldn't have the slightest idea. This was one of those rules we "understood" to exist growing up as a kid in the 70s. Did it ever even actually exist? Does it still exist today? I have no idea.

But even in the award shows, note how they say, "I want to thank" or "I'd like to thank." Again, no one has actually been thanked; they're just expressing their wants and desires for all of us to see.

I want the doctor to take your picture so I can look at you from inside as well.


I don't like it either. Today's contestant said he'd like to say hi to Marcia Greg Peter Jan Bobby and Cindy. Ha, ha.



I remember when Bob did it that he asked them only once every whenever.


I've always liked that part of the show. Sometimes that wheel spins a while. Sometimes i's an older lady and the wheel stops before she finishes talking. I like when it exposes how sad some people's lives are. The other day a woman was on and she was like, "I wanna say hi to my daughter and all my facebook friends." Wow, that's all you got? Yikes.

"I said no camels, that's five camels, can't you count?"

