DVD Release?

Will this show ever be released on DVD?

My Mom loves this show. :-)



It doesn't seem so. You can buy some rather poor quality, home-grown dvd's online at www.ioffer.com. If somebody would just play the series on TV Land or some such cable channel, then folks could start making decent copies of this series on their DVR's.

Note - the quality is low because they were recorded years ago from late night tv onto VHS tape in low-quality mode, then transferred onto blank DVD's. So you should know that going in if you're planning on purchasing a set. Nobody's trying to take advantage of the buyer, it's just that this is all that is out there.




Check You Tube for "Hec". You may be pleasantly surprised,as I was!The DVD's would still be appreciated,tho.


Try sell.com, it has homemade DVDs...while Hec Ramsey is unavailable in any commercial format it would seem the only way to see these is via other means.

The ioffer link doesn't work. I have mine in the Blu-ray right now and I'm watching a not-so-great copy. It's better than nothing at all. Richard Boone is an incredible actor and it's difficult to get hold of his films and series in legitimate form.


All that I have seen on the aftermarket sites with this series are all pretty bad dupes of VHS tapes like others have written here. I don't know if the networks actually saved the originals. Kind of like "The Law & Harry McGraw" series. Only relatively poor copies show up. There is hope, however. A show like "Adventures of Ellery Queen" turned up in very nice quality after there were several bad copies being hawked.


Count me among those who love HEC RAMSEY and would pay for an official release. I caught a few episodes on YouTube before they were taken down. I consoled myself with the thought that they were yanked because an official release was being weighed, but I thought the same about HARRY O a long time ago and nothing has happened with that similarly underappreciated early 1970's series.

If they do release HEC RAMSEY on DVD, my hope is they will leave intact the MYSTERY MOVIE intro with Henry Mancini's magnificent music. I so identify that theme and the silhouetted man with the flashlight with COLUMBO, MCCLOUD, MACMILLAN AND WIFE and HEC RAMSEY. The shows as seen on DVD are lacking something with that opening chopped off. (The pilot episode of ELLERY QUEEN on the DVD set does include the music, but not the visual, which leads me to believe the music rights have been secured and that it is possible to include that opening on a DVD release.)

HEC RAMSEY was never as good as HAVE GUN, WILL TRAVEL, and the show declined as it went on (perhaps paralleling Boone's conflicts with the producers along with his personal problems). Nonetheless, it was still great entertainment and a treat just to see Richard Boone "back in the saddle."

Gary P


A footnote to Hec Ramsey"Mystery of the Yellow Rose ep.#1.4,written by William R.Cox. This is a remake of The Virginian,"No Tears for Savannah"ep.#2.3.Both are credited to Mr. Cox.


I picked up the 2-hour pilot over at Modcinema, you might want to check with them. Hope that helps!


Gee, lifesaversocks, looks like you're keeping that bootleg site in business with all the things you buy. Just shill your product, don't think anyone is dumb enough to believe that you're really buying anything.
