Is Kasim Gone For Good?

Honestly this character was just another Darren. Total dick to Finn and then just leaves him. So is he coming back?


So is he coming back?

I hope not.


If he doesn't come back then there'll have been no point in him being in the programme in the first place. To come in, break Finn's heart, then leave is all pretty meaningless. I think there's more to come from him and, as I've said before, I hope it's something to do with Emma's downfall.


Yeah I don't think they brought him in to just simply let Finn down, there has to be more to it, like you say with the crash.
I just cant think what he could have seen. Unless he maybe suffered some memory loss or may even start to have flashbacks or nightmares and start to piece it together.

And even though not many people are going to listen to Ashley due to his illness, if Kasim does start to remember stuff and discovers Ashely knows something it could help. Emma was able to worm hey way out with Ashley but I doubt Kasim would give up so easily.
And as someone else pointed out, there is still that recording of Emma purposely confusing him.


I thought the lad Nathan was Kazam's boyfriend when he first sloped into the salon. I thought he was doing a recce on Finn who I thought Nathan had caught wind of or something. I had no idea he had been hired by Tracey.

Tracey (and Emma) just won't let up interfering in Finn's life, what?


Doesn't Kazam come back this week?


Goodnight, good luck and may your God go with you


Tracey (and Emma) just won't let up interfering in Finn's life, what?

Wouldn't you just be so mortified if your mum rang your partner of.....what?....barely a fortnight to arrange to meet them for coffee. Especially as the interfering mare scarpered before the lad had chance to even sit down.

No wonder Finn has no luck in the romance department.


Absolutely, Ruth. It's positively eerie. Maybe I've been a little too harsh on Finn in recent weeks, but seeing as how Emma (and Tracey) shows no sign of letting up in the Interfering Department, he really needs to toughen up and demand they let him pursue things by himself - for better or worse : at least he'd be learning by his own instincts, I say.

I do think he was a little too ready (desperate?) to get things going with Nathan so soon after his beloved Motorway Boy had gone, but that's Finn, I guess, like a moth to a light bulb when a new lad makes an appearance.

But, yes, the Emma coffee invitation to Nathan was pretty embarrassing.


Having just watched Tuesday's episode, I see Kazam is back with Finn, after Finn paid Nathan to pose as a rotter who expected Finn to be his Sugar Laddy.

Pshaw, I don't know what's going on anymore.




It's getting absurder than ever now. Every time I tune in they're alternating between being together or disagreeing about being together.

There must be more to this story, surely?

EDIT : Okay okay, Abbalish, Kasim! I'll get it right.


Kasim! I'll get it right.

I thought you were deliberately getting it wrong as a wind-up 

I've lost track of this. Neither of them seem to know what or who they want. I'm still hoping Kasim has a part to play in Emma's downfall. I don't know how it would work so long after the event but he's obviously taken against her because of her interfering.


Unfortunately Kasim appears to be around for a while. I just feel no connection between Finn and Kasim.


The producers made him a dick to take the heat off Aaron for a while.
