Howard vs. Jerry

When I first started watching this show again after several years I was struck by how annoying and demanding Howard and Jerry were. After watching it for a few weeks though, Howard has grown on me. His naiveté and complete dependence on the Hartleys makes him kind of sweet and likeable. He's like a big kid who would be lost without Bob and Emily.

Jerry, on the other hand, I find to be a completely unlikable character. He's rude, conceited, arrogant, and selfish. I can't see why Bob calls him his best friend, surely Bob can do better.


Everyone has had that "one friend" who always convinces you to do things you shouldn't, and your other friends find somewhat annoying. Besides, don't you have work friends and home friends? I keep two circle of friends, and it is not very often they co-mingle.


I'm on the opposite side. I find howard to be too unbelievable. nobody is that dumb, especially a professional airline guy. he kinda annoys me with his dependence. but I live bill daily,he's great in the part. Jerry I love, sure he's selfish but he's more of a complex character than the bumbling howard. he's the "fun" guy, "hey bob! the LAKERS are in town!" "hey bob, lets go out for a couple of drinks" etc


In the beginning Howard wasn't as cartoonish. Actually, portraying a divorced guy as a bit befuddled made some sense. Single men have chosen their lifestyle, divorced men not always.

Later, Howard was just an idiot.


Yes, Jerry is annoying. Howard is endearing.


I found both extremely annoying.

I liked Howard in the beginning, but the writers turned him into such a cornball later in the show. It was just too much.

I disliked Jerry from the start. My hatred for him kind of died down as the show went on. I guess I learned to become desensitized to his *beep*

Carol FTW!


The ep. where Bob & Jerry drive to PEORIA to watch a football game not shown in the Windy City showed Jerry's selfishness.

He could've cared less his "best friend" was married & "expected" him to "go along" with his plans to seduce these two women they met at the hotel bar, one of whom turned out to be a prostitute....
