Who was that guy?

I just watched the "A Million The Hard Way" episode where one million dollars disappears from a display in a casino. In the very last scene when Banacek and his chauffeur are getting ready to board an airplane, a man walks up to them and asks for a match. After he walks away, Banacek and the chauffeur turn toward the man as the chauffer says "No, it couldn't be."
I didn't understand what he meant. Did that man resemble someone in this episode that I missed?


Howard Hughes


Thanks! I was wondering this too. He was dressed kinda scruffy for a billionaire.


So you don't know about his background?

That was overdressed for Howard Hughes...


"When you're good at something, never do it for free."


Y'know what woulda been funny?
If Banacek, upon being asked for the match, replied instead: My ass & your face!
Right that woulda been funny?

B .... I .... L-L-T .... E-T-L-E-YYYYYYY Bill Tetley!
