Entire main cast

I am currently watching this on PBS and decided I'd come here to see who still remains from the original cast. And I am very sad to see that no one is still alive. Everyone that I grew up watching is dying off...


I loved this show as a kid. I started re-watch ingredients it on YouTube. I wax thinking how they have all passed away but still have more life in this classic show than mosr modern shows do


Just received the complete series for Christmas from my daughter. I tried my best to find it on PBS but to no avail, so this was a great surprise. Spent the holidays watching each episode…and am saddened to reach the end. They cannot make em like this anymore…so politically un (in??) correct


Just received the complete series for Christmas from my daughter.

Cool! I have had the DVD box sets for about 10 years now. I had to buy series 1-5 first, then 6-10 later.

The show aired on PBS at 11:00pm weeknights during my university days. So, my nightcap was AYBS?

Spent the holidays watching each episode…and am saddened to reach the end.

If I may make a recommendation:

Put them away for a few months, and play them again after that time. The jokes will seem like new. That's what I did with "Fawlty Towers". 

They cannot make em like this anymore…so politically un (in??) correct

Incorrect. 

That, plus pretty much EVERY joke was a double entendre. Of course, I took each joke the crude way. 

Hey! What can I say? I'm 'alf British! It comes with the territory. 

Joker's Wilde

Buddy Burger. Have us scrape one off the grill..so YOU don't have to scrape one off the road!


I agree with the OP... this was one of my favourite shows as a teenager (albeit through reruns in the 90s) and one of our TV stations here in Australia has just started showing repeats in the very early hours of the morning, which I usually happen to be around for due to my work schedule.

It seems really odd to watch ALL of the original main cast and know that not one of them is still with us. I know that Arthur Brough (Mr Grainger) passed away in the late 70s (there was no-one else quite like him for the part of the senior salesman in my opinion) but others like, Trevor, Wendy, Mollie, Frank, John & Nicholas have all just passed over the last 10 years or so.


I also grew up watching in the 90s when I was kid. I think I was about 8 when I started. It's extra sentimental to me because I would watch with my grandma on Sundays on PBS-Dallas.

Grandma is the reason that I love British comedies to this day: Are You Being Served, Keeping Up Appearances, The Vicar of Dibley, Chef, and COUNTLESS others.
