Editing - fight scenes

It's a while since I've seen the film, but I seem to recall some of the fight scenes being quite slapdash and not particularly realistic. I'm not sure whether this was simply the film was edited, or cuts made to show it during daytime TV viewing hours. Can anyone shed any light ?


They`re not that bad actually it`s just the WAY over the top music which accompanies them.


I think they're terrible. Numerous blows to the face and he saunters back to his boat with a jaunty stride and a clear complexion, with only some dabbed on mud to show for it.


I agree, Calvert should have carried a few more marks, although the convention of characters taking a pummelling and walking away with barely a bruise is hardly unusual, even today.

What really irks me is that in the DVD presentation, as he lies on the grave after rolling down the hill, one of the baddies warns him off and he says: "Well I hope you learn something." Not in the original he didn't. He said "I hope you BLOODY learn something", and was still saying it in the videocassette version, too. What a pathetic bit of censorship.

"Duck, I says."


Yeah there's a few little jumps like that, like when Charlotte gets into a towel on the boat and when Calvert reveals the nature of a secret location, the latter is near the end so no spoilers in my description.

Anyway, bit of a shame it has these bits hacked out but they're so badly done they're clearly the print and nothing to do with the DVD preparation. I'm sure if they could have done anything about this for the DVD they would have done - they've bothered to do an animated menu and dig out an original trailer so were there an unedited print easily to hand I'm sure they would have used it.

I for one am glad to be able to see the film in the right ratio on DVD - one day an unedited Blu-ray would be wonderful but I shan't hold my breath until then :)


practically every scene is terrible - wooden, overacting etc. Even hopkins look bad, not that he could ever act his way out of a paper bag....

the hellicopter scene is even worse..
