Agnes Moorehead

For fans wishing to see alot of screen time for Agnes Moorehead, seeing her in this movie will probally be a disappointment. She has a very small part in this film three quarters through it. Without her flamboyant clothes & elaborate eye makeup of her "Bewitched Days", she is barely recognizable.


For some people, Agnes Moorehead is much more than Endora from Bewitched, and will have no problem recognizing her. Her role is small, if anyone is tuning in specifically because of her.


Goes to show everyone she was a great charactor actress. The same goes for when she was is Hush Hush Sweet Charlotte. She looked and acted like a mad woman!


Just caught this flick on dvd. While Agnes' role is indeed small, she is memorable.


Moorehead was one of the screen's finest and most respected actresses (that goes for radio and the stage as well) - it's sad that like another fine actress, Shirley Booth, she's best-known for a TV comedy which hardly stretched her talents but which she obviously had great fun doing.

Those of you who think you know everything should politely defer to those of us who actually do!


Yes, she stole her scene in Helen. Excellent as Winters (and especially) Reynolds were, they weren't in her class.


Being the daughter of a Presbyterian minister, she probably didn't have to spend much time researching the role.


She was an excellent character actress, one of the best in film history IMHO - right up there with Thelma Ritter. Ms. Moorehead was also nominated for four Academy Awards for Best Supporting Actress in her career. I wish she had won for "Hush Hush Sweet Charlotte".... she deserved it.

"the best that you can do is fall in love"



Moorehead contributes a great bravura cameo as a stern fire-and-brimstone radio evangelist.

Q: What's the biggest room in the world? A: The room for improvement.



"we heard her voice on the radio in several scenes"

This was particularly appropriate, as Moorehead was one of the finest radio actresses of her day.

"Stone-cold sober I find myself absolutely fascinating!"---Katharine Hepburn
