MovieChat Forums > Wanda (1971) Discussion > Why... - Spoiler Alert

Why... - Spoiler Alert

I wondered why there was no mention of the female accomplice in the bank robbery. The news report shows the police explaining the fake bomb in some detail yet they never describe the woman who was with Dennis at the home invasion and kidnapping. Why were they not looking for her?

The entire family saw her and should have been able to give accurate, detailed composite information. It's not like she was sitting on the sidelines as a reluctant member of the team. When the father tried to fight back and almost gained control of the situation, she's the one who pulled the gun on him forcing him to release Dennis. She also tied up the mother and her daughters.

Even though she was hesitant at first then became physically ill, she still went along with the crime so she's just as guilty as Dennis. She should not just get away with it because she happened to be late arriving in the getaway car. That's the on time when her stupidity worked to her benefit.

Also, why, if she didn't have a license and I presume the vehicle's registration, would she be allowed to drive away in the car? Driving without a license would have been bad enough but without one how could they know she had not stolen the car, especially without a valid registration? Assuming there was a registration and it was under Dennis' name, why wouldn't it have come up after he was killed?

I know it was the 70s and long before the electronic age but it seems there would be an investigation on Dennis even after he was killed. He was a criminal and probably had a record but even if he didn't, wouldn't his prints be on file in relation to the robbery at the bar? He was associated with a women in that case as well.

Woman, man! That's the way it should be Tarzan. [Tarzan and his mate]


In 1970 women didn't commit the crime if they were with a man.

you re gonna need a bigger boat.


Is that so, Susie_not-Sad? Was that the state of criminal law in 1970. I did not know that - I would have thought she would have been accountable for the crime(s). Do you know when the law changed to hold a woman accomplice criminally culpable?
