MovieChat Forums > Vanishing Point (1971) Discussion > Further thoughts on the Hitch Hiker Scen...

Further thoughts on the Hitch Hiker Scene

For those who have seen the HH scenes, you may of noticed that CR wears a large
single pearl ring on the index finger of the her right hand. In fact in the car,
for a moment the camera lingers on the ring. If I am right, ( and who knows ?)
then surely the director meant to convey some symbolism here. Usually a ring
worn on the index finger of the right hand denotes a single person. The pearl
itself at least in the Judeo-Christian tradition symbolises Purity,Harmony, and
Humility. Also being round of course, it is symbolic of God without beginning
and without end. Revelations 21:21 the pearl is a gate to heaven. Gold of course
has always represented purity and unblemishment.

I think then taking the ring into account ( circle) and the pearl ( circle
)along with scene's dialogue. Perhaps the ring also tells us K's life has come full circle from beginning to ending. CR would seem to be some kind of angel (?) sent to bring K home. Heaven, I really don't know if that was meant in the Christian
tradition, or some other place. Certainly free him from Earthly existence.

Liberate tute me ex inferis


I just saw that scene on YouTube. I didn't catch the ring, but I thought Charlotte Rampling was death. He kissed her, and then she was gone the next day.

We got a job.
What kind?
...The Forever Kind.
