Anybody for a Remake?

I think this is one of the better Hammer Vampire Porductions. It was more grown-up. Very sensual and mature themed. I wish they would do a remake. Hell, even HBO. Either that or Hammer Pictures needs to be reborn and remake it. Especially with the success of the vampire themed movies that their has been over the last few years and with the Anne Rice books and such. What do you think? Also who should be cast if you had a say?


If it is so good why do you want a remake?

'Vampire Circus' has to be my least favourite Vampire Hammer film, I still liked it though, as I like all Hammer films. There is no need for a remake in my opinion.

"I am the Master, you will obey me!"


I think it would be hard to effectively remake most Hammer films, because of the comeraderie of the cast and crew. (Hammer has long had a reputation of having an almost "family" feel in the studio.) While I very much love Gothic horror, today's audiences (and studios) normally seem to look down their nose at period pieces. While there would be an improvement in the technology for the special effects, the calibre of acting around today doesn't seem to be up there with many of Hammer's performers. (And let's not overlook the basic sense of storytelling; the horror genre has become pretty generic these days.) I'm not saying a Hammer film could not/should not be remade, but I think it would take a pretty dedicated filmmaker to do it justice, one that would be free from the typical executive influence of a studio to do the film properly.

Actually, if any Hammer film would be perfect for a remake, it would be FOUR-SIDED TRIANGLE. With all the controversy over human cloning in the news, this is a tale that could become a contemporary classic if properly updated.


I love this movie,(I own a copy on super 8) and always thought it would be a great idea for a remake. I thought it would be great to redo some of the circus performance set pieces with Cirque du Soleil. I never gave a lot of thought to the rest of the cast, but I could see Monica Bellucci as Anna/gypsy woman, Ian Somerhalder as Emil, Colin Firth as Count Mitterhouse, Milla Jovovich and Stuart Townsend as the twins, and Eliza Dushku as Dora. This film does have a sensual, sometimes perverse element, which could probably be more thoroughly explored now. I would like to hear your casting comments or ideas as well. Thanks for the interesting post sawyertom.


I was meaning a remake in that the special effects are kind of dated and some of the camera work is a bit dated as well, for lack of a better word. I would have to think about my cast and will submit mine later.



As much as I regard VAMPIRE CIRCUS as an unsung Hammer horror classic, a remake could be cool. It would be exciting to see what today's advanced CGI special effects could bring to this colourful and exciting adult fairy tale.



The low budget production and dated effects are half of the film's charm. To re-do them with modern technologies would be to miss the point of why the film is endearing. Bad special effects have a charm all their own, and in my opinion it is more interesting to see filmmakers have to use their guile & wits to pull things like that off rather than just programming a Power Mac to do slick animations. The film also represents a specific era in horror movie history that is over and done with, remaking it under today's standards would run the hazard of having contemporary values imposed on the story. It's a wickedly evil, potentially scandalous affair that would have to be watered down and made more inclusive for today's audiences.

Just make new vampire movies and get away from the bat freak vampires, they aren't sexy and vampire movies are sex movies. This is one of the sexiest of all.


This film doesn't need a remake. It's fine the way it is.

"We're all part Shatner/And part James Dean/Part Warren Oates/And Steven McQueen"
