Freekin quiters!!!

Much like the Irish we had a famine and 1/4 of the Swedish population emigrated, many of them to america, frekkin quiters I say (;. Some say it was only the strong who had the courage to leave, on the contrary the weak gave up. So basically America is not a nation founded by the brave but by the weak.


America is "Con Air", rebellious prisoners.


Hey, never mind ''rebellious prisoners'' in America.

How about French-Canadians ??? Yes, the modern day Quebecers !
During the French Revolution in 1789 they had gathered a bunch of the king's prisoners as he was detroned . Groups of prostitutes , drunkards, addicts, crooks ... they were all sent to start French Canada !!! Oh and if you ever happen to mention this to them, they will deny history. In fact, they are so racist that they call the natives 'coureurs de bois' and 'sauvages' and all kinds of things ...


If it were true that only the "weak" left Sweden, then no one would have survived the journey across the ocean, then the journey half-way across the North American continent.

Do you realize how incredibly daunting and exhausting it was to take all that you have and start from scratch in a completely unknown land, knowing no English, literally forging your own path through the untamed wilderness? Not to mention, the fear and uncertainty immigrants must have felt was probably pretty overwhelming.

Here in Minnesota where many people (including myself) are descendants of Swedish immigrants, we take great pride in our Scandinavian heritage, and deeply respect those who had the courage to start a new life here. I can assure you that no one in Minnesota of Scandinavian stock comes from weak people. :)


Quitters? With all of America available, they picked the one place where the weather is as close as you can get to where they came from.


Yeah but this family lived in the smallest village imaginable. I think it was in their best interest to leave.


Dumb Swede. You don`t know šhit.

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