Good Tunes.

Anybody catch Kris Kristofferson's version of "Me and Bobbi McGee" playing in the GTO at the gas station scene right before they agree to race to DC? I love that song. Does anyone know the name of the Doors song playing before they race the 32 Ford?


Moonlight Drive. I think. It was on the Strange Days album.


He wrote it and recorded it before Janis ever did it.

"Inside the Dusters there were 3 men... So?... Inside the men there were 3 bullets." - d{^_^}b


Yeah, the music is pretty good for this film. There's a musical 'tribute' to this film called 'You Can Never Go Fast Enough'. It doesnt contain any music from the actual film, its just a compilation of songs that are meant to go well with it. Some of it is good, some of it is weird space/desert/americana music.


Also listen for a snippet of the rare high plains texas bird Terry Allen. You can hear him "yodeling" as the Girl gets in the GTO and digs thru Oates' tapes. I doubt he had sold 3000 of these records when the film came out.
