
I recently acquired this movie and really like it, but I was wondering why the blurb on the DVD case describes the film as controversial. I take it that's just marketing hype but I still wonder where they came up with that.


Well in some circles it was called nihilistic and thus subversive - it was supposed to be doing then to the young'uns who went to the theatre to see Dennis Wilson and James Taylor what Colbert and Stewart allegedly do today (i.e., 'breeding cynicism').

It's just bumpf.

I don't know my own password.


Street racing was illegal then.


It's illegal now!

I don't know my own password.


Actually, this one was made in '71, which was about the peak of street racing in America. It was three years before the Oil Embargo and federal emissions standards would not become strict until about '72, so muscle cars were still the hot item and in most cases a manufacturer's success in sales was directly related to their car's reputation at the "street light drags".

Street racing was illegal, and still is; but back then it was not nearly as enforced or policed. Back then, roads were still pretty open as local and national traffic volume was low. Now-a-days there is much more traffic wherever you go and finding those wide, open roads in the middle of nowhere is very difficult.


We still find those roads. They are out there, trust me.
