Let's petition Netflix

Let's all ask Netflix to get this, OK?


I seond that


actually that's how I got my copy - I did the free 2 week trial of netflix and copied it. I already owned the VHS, so I figure it's legit as far as me having a copy for my personal use. That was about 4-5 years ago I guess. Someone must have kept it and reported it as never made it, hmm? Slick... I wasnt that stupid. I think the world should see this movie at least once a week!


More like petition the music industry to release Dennis Wilson's music.


Netflix should have it available again soon - the film is coming out via Criterion Collection in late 2007 or early 2008. This info is all over the web and Monte Hellman has been mentioning it in several interviews for several months...


Yeah, I'm gonna ask them to get it too. If this comes out and they still have it in the "save" column I'm gonna be so pissed! They need to get it together on Criterion dvds (not to mention, update their PITIFUL Russ Meyer collection...he deserves better). Big time.



Netflix sucks. 4 copies of "The Number 23" do not play on my new Sony dvd recorder/VCR. I reported the trouble with each dvd to Netflix, but they never corrected the problem, they just sent me replacement dvds that also did not play.

Several movies from Netflix "automatically pause" by themselves.

Some movies skip.

I have received DVDs late / lost.

I have received cracked DVDs from Netflix.

I received an EMPTY outer envelope from Netflix. (the envelope was in perfect condition, no damage, no inner sleeve, no DVD. (post office sent it to me in one of their plastic bags.)

Netflix does not like people to return movies quickly, so they delay sending you your next movie. This is their policy.

"Shooter" (from Blockbuster) played perfectly, with no problem.

I switched to Blockbuster 2 weeks ago.


I heard 2LBT is available on DVD, but Netflix does not want it!


Strange that is not there anymore. I saw TLB for the second time from Netflix in 2004 (the first time, very fortunately, being on the big screen at The New Beverly in LA around 1994 or 1995 or so).

