MovieChat Forums > Two-Lane Blacktop (1971) Discussion > Call it a yard and you got an automobile...

Call it a yard and you got an automobile race, motherf....

I saw this film for the first time last night ( after years and years and years of my older, gearhead brother prattling on about it ). I don't know if I really liked it or not, but I can see it's importance, it's got great scenes and it's certainly an interesting film.

Anyway, while the dialog is sparce, it's usually pretty damn hip, especially the bit where The Driver is challenging that custom hotrodder to race. I was surprised not to see this exchange in the 'memorable quotes' section.

Anyone know it well enough to transcribe it here?
And was the use of that word -motherfornicator- back then a wee bit controversial? Certainly surprised me...


he actually says "make it three yards ($300)..."

MF wasnt as used as it is today, but it had been around a couple of years at the point. If memory serves, the movie "MASH" was the first mainstream movie to use the F-word, and that was in '69. So 2 years later ('71) MF was still rare but not earthshattering.


I'll Never Forget What'sisname and Ulysses both used the f-word in '67.

"What the f-ck is the internet?" -Jay, Jay & Silent Bob Strike Back


The way Wilson delivers is is so flat and seemingly unrehearsed. It comes out raw and so real. Definitely a classic.


Dennis Wilson doesn't say the "3 yards.." line, James Taylor (The Driver) does. Dennis really doesn't really talk much at all, if he said that line it would have doubled his dialouge... :)



haha yea, double his dialogue. my bad, i was drunk.

Stand by for justice!



The line was, "Make it 3 yards, motherfarker, and we'll have an auto-mobile race."



Coolest line ever.


You finally make a post... and this is it? Another useless, one-line message? I'm disappointed.



The user 'SenileFelines' just replied to your post:

'Re: Call it a yard and you got an automobile race, motherf....'

in the 'Two-Lane Blacktop (1971)' board using a subject of:

'So what, golden_hawk? You know that as long as tbpfourever approves of my posting habits, I'll be just fine. (nm)'



I liked the movie overall, but this part was confusing. First the Driver comes off as such a prick that I hoped he would get his comeuppance and lose. The race starts but the scene cuts off a few seconds later without showing who wins. Later at a bar the hotrodder has an argument with his wife, she walks out, the Driver and the hotrodder exchange hostile glances, the film moves on...what just happened?


It wasn't hostile in my view. It was friendly. Even the "3 yards, *beep* line is spoken in a friendly way. It's straight forward and clear and representative of what they both want (that is to race each other.) The Driver wins the race which is what the bar scene, in my opinion, is about. He looks over at the guy and basically with gives the whole *beep* happens" look with which the other guy agrees.


Driver isnt so much hostile, as cocky. Which, for anyone that's ever talked up or been involved in a street race, especially in that era (I was), machismo and attitude was a big part of the setup. It's a psychological thing, a penis measuring contest, a prime example of getting a guy to do something you want him to do, and him doing it even if he knows he's gonna lose. He HAS to save face. So Driver was just using a tactic on him, not being a dick per se.

TLB is a much deeper movie, akin to the Matrix... where you have to watch it and put yourself in the era (67-72) to fully appreciate and understand it.


You have identified the main problem of this site have you not? Individuals too young to have experienced The Seventies, the last golden age of American film, first-hand cannot resist adding their two cents worth of commentary.


I have the Criterion Collection bluray and the Driver wins the race... they show him blow away the Ford coupe... Yeah, no one was waving a checkered flag but it was very, very obvious.

"I don't want your watch, man. I want your friendship!" - Lightfoot
