MovieChat Forums > El Topo (1971) Discussion > Strange movies you can't turn away

Strange movies you can't turn away

Friend : What the hell are you watching?
You : I have no idea.
Friend : What the hell is going on?
You: I have no idea.

1. El Topo
2. A Clockwork Orange
3. Crash
4. Naked Lunch
5. Eraser head
6. Alice - 1988 - The reason I still sleep with a night light on
7. Bronson
8. Dead Man
9. The Holy Mountain
10. Pink Floyd The Wall

Runner Up * Rocky Horror Picture Show
* Being John Malkovitch
* Brazi
* City of Lost Children.
* Dark City.

"Sailors fighting in the dance hall."


Izo too, I hate that movie. It reminded me of El Topo, only El Topo I love for all it's strangeness and surrealism, Izo left me frustrated and confused.



Visitor Q, son


The Visitor from 1979. I mean the cast includes a bunch of big names including directors John Huston and Sam Peckinpah in a beautifully filmed but questionably edited and scored story that seems like it was dreamed up by a cult leader on acid. Pretty much it is a film that has to be seen to be believed and only could have emerged from a decade like the 1970s. I watched this while heavily medicated after some surgery and at times I was not sure if I was actually seeing what I was seeing or hallucinating it.

Plus you'll be debating what is stranger, the film and the story or the fact that all of these talented people agreed to be in it.


Arabian Nights.

Practically every 30 seconds I was saying to myself 'WTF? Is this for real?'



Upsteam Color deserves a mention.

Only the closed mind is certain.
