MovieChat Forums > Sweet Sweetback's Baadasssss Song (1973) Discussion > He didn't really seem like that great of...

He didn't really seem like that great of a lover

Not trying to turn this into porn bored or anything, but I never quite understood how laying on top of a lady and just rocking back and forth earns him so many accolades.


Umm... I guess it's because he has a "sweet sweetback".

Never hate your enemies. It affects your judgment. -Michael Corleone


because it was the first movie of its kind to show a scene like that. It impressed 1971 audiences, keep that it mind.


No it wasn't, no it didn't. It was a poorly made movie that said a cross dressing man who doesn't move during sex is the ultimate lover. What a joke.


we discussed this film in our Communication & Ethnic Groups class here at UTexas...some friends and I rented it and decided to watch the whole film. Now, you have to understand that we are all white and didn't really know what to expect other than the fact that this deals with some major stereotype reversal and that the main character was supposed to be a sexgod. We weren't expecting child pornography, almost constant nudity and sexuality, and almost no dialogue. The editing was choppy and hard to follow at some times.

I've said all these negative things, but watching this film was probably one of the most fun movie experiences I've ever had. It was a great film for laughs, especially awkward ones, but now that I stop and think about it's role in shaping blaxploitation cinema and racial representation in media, I totally have to disagree with GWBblows: this was not a poorly made film, nor was it a joke. To a lot of the black community, this film was a mark of change and growth. Personally I feel it does/did more to perpetuate negative stereotypes than it does/did to reverse them, but I digress...

Sweet Sweetback's Baadassss Song is a load of laughs if you go at with an open mind...and later, when you aren't making jokes about Mu-Mu's kittens, his Cheese Whiz deodorant, or the inappropriate child porn, you might find some value from this film in the study of media-based racism.


That's a great comment kullerdben. Not sure I agree with all it but it's all relevant.



In the 70's black TV shows and movies were a very new thing, so African Americans went to see African Americans. Anyway, when blacxk 18 years of age or older saw how bad these movies were,(they groaned, walked out, or were there just to kill time or take their girl) they went back to watching white films.

Blacks began to see that these films weren't just action flicks, it contained racism, ultra-violence, sexism, and insulted their intelligence.
"This movie is an insult!" I remember one black woman saying

Whites went to them also for the action and nudity, (and some to see the racism they liked)But it was difficult for even them to sit through the crap.

Once upon a time, you could have a hit just by having blacks in the film, but today its Freeman (or James Earl JOnes, or Denzel) in a dignified role seen my more mature blacks.

Many of the blaxpoitation films were aimed at urban blacks aged around 12-14 (or 8 years old). There was nothing in them a littke kid couldn't understand.
(A guy or girl with a gun after people in the old done to death revenge plot, ect)

They could have just left it at action-comedy, but they had to throw in all the violence, racism and sexism and chase people away.


ae, what does your post have to do with this? Honestly it seems like your just making up BS. "This movie is an insult"? Sorry but thats about as generic as it gets.



FYI, not ALL so-called "blaxsploitation" films had sex,violence and nudity. Check out good drama films like BLACK GIRL, MELINDA,family films like FIVE ON THE BLACK HAND SIDE, CORNBREAD AND ME, AARON LOVES ANGELA, and TOGETHER BROTHERS. It wasn't all just about THE MACK, SUPERFLY and SHAFT. Then there were Westerns like THOMASINA AND BUSHROD, BUCK AND THE PREACHER, ACROSS 110TH STREET, COTTON COMES TO HARLEM,TAKE A HARD RIDE,and SHEBA BABY plus others, such as THE BINGO LONG TRAVELING CIRCUS,the original SPARKLE, and LADY SINGS THE BLUES,MAHOGANY, and THE WIZ. Even then, black film was pretty diversified, and also some of these films were made by black directors and producers,too.

People always tend to want to lump the whole genre together as if all the movies were simply ripoffs of one another, which isn't the truth if you're seen some of them.


I have not seen the movie YET. I will find it though. IFC was doing a special last night and that was the first film that started the show. If there was a sex scene with an underage child involved, then DVD/VIDEO would not be allowed in video stores unles the scene was cut from the movie. (I have two word for you Traci Lords). She almost single-handedly destroyed the porn industy back in the 80's. I will have to reserve judgement about the child scene until I get a chance to see the movie.


The scene of Sweetback losing his virginity to an older woman at the age of 13 is simulated sex...unlike the movies Traci Lords was doing in her teens.


hell yeah


a black man having a sexual role is a prime example of role reversal...and it wasn't child porn you have to be fkin kidding me



Obviously, nobody had warned you and your classmates about the freewheeling craziness/insanity/openess of 1970s films---which is why they're so much damn fun to watch. Glad you had a good time watching it,though,lol.


Was he even rocking sometimes? In the scene with him screwing the white girl is the only one I recall him being actively involved in the sex. Usually, his face is blank and he's just lying there.

Fun is Fun and Done is Done


lol@ the original poster





LOL@ this

this is the antithesis to the "motion of the Ocean" argument





I don't even remember him rocking back & forth. hahaha
been a couple of years since I saw this. but he has a blank expression on his face too? I remember it was bad,now reading some of these post it's reminding me of what I forgot.
popeye has ate his spinach


He he. Yeah, some people on this board think the producer of this film is guilty of child porn. But it looks to me like, if any crime was committed in this film, it was by the women who slept with Melvin. The charge: Necrophilia. LOL


