The Number 23

What was the reason the screenwriters chose the number 23 for james garner's character to obsess over?


I expect there wasn't any thought put into it. There had to be a number and it was as good as any other.

Are you going to pull those pistols or whistle "Dixie"?


Perhaps. But I can't help but note that there have been AT LEAST two movies since that have centered on the number 23. It was a number associated with the Illuminati and even today has a following of paranoids.


Ah, but as we all now know, the real answer is.... 42.

"It's going to get worse before it gets better." - The White House


Well, yeah. Unless, of course you discount the number 9..number 9..number 9...number9......


Ah, but as we all now know, the real answer is.... 42.

And that is how we know that roulette is not the question to the ultimate answer of life, the universe, and everything.

42 is not one of the possibilities on a standard roulette wheel.


But it is the answer. On a side note, 23+23=46 and 2+3=5 and 46-5=41 and 41+1 does equal . . . 42!!!


yes but 4+2 is 6 and 6/2=3 23 come up again


Not as good as 42.

Life is pain. Anyone who says differently is selling something.


23 in hex is 13 decimal and in octal it's 19 decimal. 23, 13 and 19 in decimal are all prime numbers.

In base thirteen (in which 6 x 9 DOES equal 42), 23 is 29 decimal which is yet another prime number.

Big deal.


23 in hex is 13 decimal and in octal it's 19 decimal.

Excuse me?

23 hex (base 16) = 35 decimal (base 10) = 43 octal (base 8)
23 decimal = 27 octal = 17 hex
23 octal = 13 hex = 19 decimal


So no one really knows......right?


Let me take a stab at this:

23 in HEXADECIMAL = 0010 0011 which = 23 in BASE 10. Only when you get to 10 in base 10 do the Hexadecimal #'s diverge; A,B,C,D,E, and F for 10,11,12,13,14, and 15 respectively. Octal #'s are in groups of three 000 through 111 for 0 through 7 Base 10.

"Open the pod bay doors, HAL."
Dave Bowman


23 (base 10) = 17 (hex)

(2 X 10 + 3 X 1) vs. (1 X 16 + 7 X 1)
