Copy of Snow Goose??

I'm looking on this site, and reading about people who say they have copies of The Snow Goose? Really?? Sheesh, I've been looking for this forever, can anyone out there let me know how to get a copy of this. It would be greatly appreciated, and I'm willing to pay all shipping costs and copying costs. Please email me at [email protected]


The only good, clean copies of The Snow Goose that exist are held at the BFI and UCLA. There is a very poor copy [though still priceless in my opinion] that a number of us have.

There have been claims by people that they also have a good copy but, unsurprisingly, they go very quiet when asked about it.


I haven't downloaded it yet but it appears to be available on this
torrent site:
Hit browse and then use search function


I believe that came from my copy.
