Same story as Psycho

Where you have Marion Crane/Paul on the run from the law, come to stay overnight at a place where they shouldn't and die, a friend and sibling come searching for them and they too end up at Bates Motel/Castle Dracula and face Dracula/Mother.


Good catch. You discovered a plot hole


Watched this for the first time in a while just a couple of weeks ago. Interesting, never struck me before.


I’m sure a lot of movies share similar themes/stories. For all we know Robert Bloch probably borrowed his from someone else.


Huh? Psycho is based on a real crime, the gravedigger and murderer Ed Gein. Have you been living under a rock for the past 60 years?


Psycho borrows very loosely from Ed Gein. The only thing they have in common is the mother obsession and that they were murderers. Gein only killed two people and they believe one was because she discovered his grave activities.


It's a great insight and so obvious, but it's easy to miss because it's a Dracula flick (rather than a slasher) taking place in the Victorian era.
