
About 10 minutes before the end of the movie, Foster and Garth are firing with shell launchers. When Foster sends Garth to bring him the fire launcher, you can see in that shot how Foster loads 2 shells in the same shell launcher and there's no explosion.


the flic itself is a goof.


Thanks to the use of action scenes from "Tobruk" another goof occurs in the final moments when the troops are waiting to board the landing craft, and that's not including the reversed shot where the huge serial number on the landing craft is back to front.

The shot of the troops waiting is clearly from "Tobruk" as the unmistakable profile of Nigel Green is visible in the middle of the group. He wasn't cast in "Raid on Rommel" but was in "Tobruk" as Colonel John Harker. His large beret ( ) is impossible to miss even in the gloom of the shot.
