Region 1 DVD is out now.

Sony Pictures Home Entertainment has just released The Pursuit of Happiness on Region 1 retail DVD as part of their Martini Movies line. It seems like this time, they're focusing more on human dramas than anything else.

Specs of the disc:

1.85:1 Anamporhic video

English audio and subtitles

Previews (all trailers for the following):
The Norman Lear Collection
Columbia Classics
The Three Stooges Collection
The Pursuit Of Happiness

The film has been reclassified as a PG-13 rating for DVD release. The original rating for the 1971 theatrical release was an interchangable GP/PG.

***and as always, that's just my opinion, others may vary***


One of my favoite movies from the early seventies. I was afraid that it wouldn't make it to DVD. I didn't know about it until I came across it recently at Big Lots for $3.


I bought the DVD recently and am very happy with it. The movie itself still looks fantastic, and the trailer in the special features is playful. Maybe this DVD will grow in popularity and Columbia will release an even better DVD someday that will include a making-of doc, as well as a commentary track. That's what Robert Mulligan would have wanted, at least.

"What I don't understand is how we're going to stay alive this winter."
