Last chapter

My Netflix DVD was irreparably scratched, so the last chapter completely froze up on me. So, what happened at the end? I saw up to where the Baron gets stabbed fencing and the priest is in his bedroom listening to his confession.

Spoilers welcome. Thanks.


In short:

The priest meets Lisa in the chapel, they have a conversation. She asks him whether the legend might be true. The priest says "there's no such things as succubusses." She replies: "do you really know?"
Later in a conversation with Martha he learns that Lisa is the daughter of Martha and the Baron's brother. He ist disturbed.
The priest decides to stay with the dying Baron. The group leaves. The priest and Lisa watch their departure from the balcony.
The bus drives down the hill road. Suddenly a hearse is coming around a corner (the same hearse we've seen already, with the same driver - obviously the devil). The bus driver panics, does the wrong action, the bus goes down the slope and catches fire. (Implying that all the passengers die.)
Last shot:
Lisa and the priest on the balcony, shocked. Lisa looks into the camera with a weird smile.
(Great ending, by the way. Try to get a copy that works.)
