staying power

This movie really stays with me. I saw it when it first came out, and a couple of times since, but every time I get tangled up in putting some garment on, I think of the scene with the Grecian nightie. Every time I find I've left on a price tag, I think of it. Not to mention all the hilarious lines, and funny plot twists. And the acting is PERFECT.
I just wish Elaine May had made more films.


I watch this film online all the time, and never get tired of it. My favourite thing is Harold's lines and facial expressions; every one is brilliant.


And his timing! Hers too, of course.


I imagine you're referring to Henry, but I agree there as well.


I'm referring to Walter Matthau's and Elaine May's timing.
By the way, has anyone mentioned that the housekeeper who kept winking is the actress who played Ray's mother on Everybody Loves Raymond?


Right. But my original comment related to Henry's butler Harold, played by George Rose.


That would be Doris Roberts...

Locked my wire coat-hanger in the car - good thing that I always carry spare keys in my pocket :)


It's an entertaining film with surprisingly scenes, but I expected to like it more. 7/10 stars from me.
