The film's language

Hi I just got a DVD copy of this movie, and to my surprise the characters speak English (at least the main characters, while some of the extras speak Italian) so I'm wondering if the original movie is in English, because if it's not then the dubbing is really really good... And of course if the original movie is all in Italian then I'm going to get really really mad at that cursed DVD and whoever made it...


From my knowledge, the original is in English w/ a few Italian speaking persons. I have that same DVD in mostly English, and I've seen this movie a few years ago on Cable Tv and it was the same as the DVD in English so...

I never heard of it myself in only Italian Language. :: { }


The star of the movie is a famous English actor, Dirk Bogarde, and the film was thus filmed in English. The only real dialogue is between him and other English actors, especially Mark Burns. But it is an Italian production by a legendary Italian director.

The only dubbing is that of Silvana Mangano (Tadzio's mother) and Tadzio, into Polish. They are playing Poles, neither actor being Polish. But their speaking is only background flavour.

If the Kingdom of Heaven is like a grain of mustard, It can also be like a chicken-pox mark.


They should of made Tadzio and his vacationing family,Swedes for the movie,then we could of heard Tazio's actual voice and native tonque.


Were we supposed to be privy to what Tadzio's family was saying? Because in the version I watched, anything spoken in non-English was not included in the subtitles.
