Music CD Available

For those who might be interested...there is a music CD available.

It is part of a recent CD titled " John Barry "The Lion In Winter". This CD has the complete score for "the Lion in Winter" which by itself is fantastic, but as a bonus, this CD also has the "mary Queen of Scots" Suite, which comprises 6 remastered selections from the original movie.

It is produced on Silva America, SSD 1131 titled "The Lion In Winter"
This is a well produced High-Def digital CD


Thanks for posting this - just watching an old video I made over a decade ago and it is an excellent score.


i own it! my favorite john barry score


Does anyone know where to find the song 'Vivre Et Mourir' with Vanessa Redgrave singing? It was the opening in the movie.
This morning I am going to order the Lion in Winter soundtrack but the songs look like they are instrumental only!


Sorry, nothing on the VR song. But I have to add that this is the dopest John Barry score, especially the instrumental 'This Way Marry'. What a funky piece of righteous lounge.
