I have a question

After seeing this movie again, I was reminded of something that has always bothered me since the VHS came out (I just bought the DVD). Why is the picture on the front cover one of the descendents of Banquo and not a picture of Macbeth himself? The scene where he sees Banquo's line stretching from king to king... I can't remember which one is on the cover. He's fairly early. For all I know, it may be Jon Finch (although I don't think he particularly looks like Finch throughout the rest of the play), but Macbeth has a scruffy little beard. and the guy on the cover has a full beard. Not only that, Macbeth is never decked out in the regalia that the guy on the cover is. Look on the back cover if you have the movie... the pictures of Finch are completely different than this guy.

Should this go into "goofs"? It's not really a goof, since it's not part of the movie, but rather part of publicity. I've just never figured out why they put the wrong king there.

I thought that maybe the reason was the whole "Scottish Play" superstition, but that doesn't seem to relate.

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