Good Movie,a must read Post

Believe it or not we were shown this movie in our University(for free) as a inpiration and to present a noble Idea(Universities don't show reguler blockbustors).Well what we learn is we should be humble, simple and God fearing but atrocities should not be tolerated .we students were expecting a entertainer(which it presents a little),But everybody seems to have dirty mind these days,most of the student enjoy the seminaked waterfall scene and walk away
cursing the movie as boring.Gen-X did'nt seem to be 'INSPIRED AND LEARN'.
Please comment.


Many movies have some positive message for its audience. It is sad to hear people say that it was a horrible film when it tried to tell them something.

I have not seen this movie, so I can't comment directly about it. A very long time ago I saw a movie that if I recall correctly had Trinity in its name and it was about a drifter. It had one scene that stays with me. A Russian is kept prisoner in some sort of jail and as torture his captors start to give him large amounts of water to a point where his mouth is overflowing. Once they think he is dead they leave him alone. After a few minites he starts moving his legs, then his arms, and finally ends up dancing. Is this scene from this movie, or if not, do you recognize it?

Best wishes



Now i'm pretty much baffled which film has actually more relevant message
The Good, The Bad and The Ugly" or this one, i think none of these films were trying to project some serious thought to the audience, it's better to take them as a pure mindless entertainment, that's what made them classics anyway, not the messages!


The movie you are talking about is "Deep West", aka "They Call Me Hallelujah"; it's not related to the Trinity movies but shares their surreal comedy style as it became common in Euro-westerns after their box-office success.



And you thought it was over...


Well what we learn is we should be humble, simple and God fearing but atrocities should not be tolerated

As a matter of fact, I'm pretty sure that the over-religiousness of the farmers was being treated in a tongue-in-cheek manner, especially in the final scene, where Bambino finds the horses marked. They *are* seen as hypocrites, at least partially. I really don't think this movie had a moral message, and if it did, I really don't think it was supposed to be *that* message.

Words, Mr. Sullivan, are precious things, and they are not to be tempered with!



The Mormons rely on their faith, Trinity and Bambino rely on their wits. The Mormons have a strict moral code, the gunslingers make it up as they go.

The Mormons thank God for delivering the two men, but are these two men really saviours of God, or is it all just circumstance?

I think it's making a small comment about man's place on earth, and that goodness can come in imperfect forms, while perfect goodness if often useless.

Never let your sense of morals prevent you from doing what is right.


Collage kids are the most ignorant, uninspired and dull-witted people on earth. Don't expect them to have a valid opinion. I was talking to a collage girl the other day who said that she would have liked to have met Tom Dooley because she heard he was well-hung. I was trying to teach one collage kid judo and when he had trouble throwing his training-partner, I told him to imagine his adversary as a piece of paper whereupon he suggested that we beat him to a pulp. I remember when I tried to check out some books at a New York library; the pimply-face collage kid sitting behind the counter said that I would have to prove that I was a citizen of New York and after I stabbed him I ended up in jail! While behind bars I sent a letter to a "friend" of mine who was just starting collage; I told her how badly I wanted to break out and she sent me poison ivy. I'm tellin' ya,' a so-called "higher educqtion" an't all it's cracked-up to be.

Ever notice how collage kids always travel in packs? This is so they can take up an entire sidewalk forcing other pedestrians into the street where they are instantly run over by yet another collage kid who's driving while talking on a cellphone. Then they all descend upon your lifeless body and proceed to pick it clean, until you are nothing more than a pile of bones gleaming in the hot sun.

Did I mention that I hate collage students?

