MovieChat Forums > The Last Picture Show (1971) Discussion > So how would you rank the performances? ...

So how would you rank the performances?

Just curious as to how your preferences would go. Most people I've spoken to seem to go for Cloris... who was indeed amazing. For my money, Bottoms and Johnson's internalised performances reign supreme.

Interestingly, I have always felt that Bottoms was (by far) the best actor in the sequel - though that's far less of an accomplishment. Cybill improved as an actress over the years, but she wasn't entirely convincing here.

Anyway, here goes -

01. Timothy Bottoms
02. Ben Johnson
03. Ellen Burstyn
04. Cloris Leachman
05. Jeff Bridges
06. Eileen Brennan
07. Sam Bottoms
08. Clu Gulager
09. Randy Quaid
10. Cybill Shepherd

Burstyn vs Leachman has always been my toughest call on the subject - though I seem to have settled for the former's slightly less overt performance in recent viewings, and I don't think that's likely to change.

Your thoughts? Maybe keep it to the actors with enough of a character to make a considerable impression.

The next sentence is true. The previous sentence is false.


1. Ellen Burstyn
2. Ben Johnson
3. Cloris Leachman
4. Jeff Bridges
5. Eileen Brennan
6. Timothy Bottoms
7. Clu Gulager
8. Sam Bottoms
9. Randy Quaid
10. Cybill Shepherd


1. Burstyn
2. Johnson
3. Leachman
4. Bridges
5. Brennan


'Burstyn vs Leachman has always been my toughest call on the subject - though I seem to have settled for the former's slightly less overt performance in recent viewings'
Leachman had to be overt in her scenes (or last scene), or the narrative would weaken. Being understated is not always better.


Timothy Bottoms gives my favorite performance, too. It's a shame he didn't get a nomination.

After that, I would say Cloris and Ben are a tie, then Ellen, then Eileen.

I have always found Cybill Shepherd extremely boring. Though this is probably her best performance.


So many great performances in this film, with such an excellent cast. Having said that I do not understand the dislike for Cybill Shepherd here. It's hard for me to imagine this film without her and her character. Who would have been better cast in Jacy's role? Offhand I can't think of anyone. She was on screen a good percentage of the time, and I find her performance very convincing.

Having said that I would not say she was the best, of course. That has to be between Cloris Leachman and Ellen Burstyn. Can't choose between them. I'd have to rate Ms. Burstyn as the overall better actress, but this is perhaps Ms. Leachman's best role and performance I am aware of. So I end up in a tie between them.

Next I would say is Jeff Bridges. The first time I saw this film and for some time after I found my dislike of his character shaded my opinion of his performance. But if you put that dislike aside, his performance is perfect. Totally convincing and both subtle and powerful.

I understand the admiration for Timothy Bottoms and Ben Johnson, who along with Eileen Brennan and Sam Bottoms were also great here. I just found them somewhat below my top three. Ms. Brennan was perfect in her performance, as was Sam B., but they simply were not called on to do as much as the top three.

Neither was Clu Gulager, or Randy Quaid for that matter, but both were very good as well.


Cybil Shepherd was good and apt as a stuck-up, spoiled, shallow, insensitive, selfish, manipulative cocktease. It's her best performance. And she's pretty, too!


Cybil Shepherd was good and apt as a stuck-up, spoiled, shallow, insensitive, selfish, manipulative cocktease.
Perhaps she was just playing herself Mr H?

Exorcist: Christ's power compels you. Cast out, unclean spirit.


Leachman excelled mostly on Tv where she had more opportunity, and I'd say she has more range than Burstyn in terms of characterization, though I like both women equally. I believe Leachman holds the record for the most Emmy's with 10


I'd say she has more range than Burstyn in terms of characterization, though I like both actresses equally.

I am in complete agreement here. I actually can't think of too many actresses who had more range than Cloris Leachman. Possibly Karen Black, who in my opinion could do it all.



1. Johnson
2. Leachman
3. Brennan
4. Burstyn
5. T. Bottoms
6. Gulager
7. Shepherd
8. Bridges
9. S. Bottoms
10. Quaid

Ben Johnson is a revelation in this, a film filled with truly superb and enduring performances. He and Leachman were very deserving of their Academy Awards. In my mind, Brennan and Gulager stand out among the other actors. I don't think Brennan hits a single false note and Gulager makes a very small role memorable with every gesture. He would be ranked higher here if he had more screen time. Quaid is tenth here solely because of his tiny part. A difficult chore to rank these ten, that's for sure.


1 Leachman and I watched it for about the 10th time last evening and IMO, it is still the number one supporting performance by an actress that I have ever seen.
2 Burstyn
3 Johnson
4 T. Bottoms
5 Bridges
6 S. Bottoms
7 Brennan
8 Quaid
9 Gulager
10 Shepard She is the reason the picture gets a 9/10 rating from me and not a flat out 10/10.

"I am not now, nor have I ever been a Republican." - Artist Jerry Cornelia


It's really tough to have to rate in order such a brilliant cast, many of whom give career-best performances. I even like Cybill Shepard very much as Jacy, though she's never been a favorite. She looks absolutely beautiful here and, has been pointed out, who would have been more appropriate? Bogdanovich knew what he was doing with her here - though he lost that astuteness in "At Long Last Love"! Jeff Bridges was a deserving nominee for Supporting Actor, but it's really a shame Timothy Bottoms could not be nominated. He gave a very touching and expressive performance. I think in other years, Ellen Burstyn could have taken home the Oscar, but Cloris Leachman's role really couldn't be denied. Both are magnificent, as is Johnson. One of the best cast films ever!


Sometimes the least traditionally "skilled" actor just happens to be at the right place at the right time and ends up giving the standout performance. Cybill Shepherd is the #1 reason most people, both men and women, return to this film and it is because of far more than her looks. Having grown up in Tennessee, she was, along with Oklahoman Ben Johnson, the only true Southerner in the main cast and a former "Miss Teenage Tennessee" and successful fashion model. Whether she was "just playing herself" or not, her performance is iconic -- one of the most nuanced and touching explorations of "young American woman-hood," with all its wiles and tricks and humors and lusts for freedom in constant conflict with deeply instilled fears of non-conformity and "sin" and "ending up either lonely or even worse, in miserable and phony alliance like their parents," as it really was to a significant extent in the 1950s and up-to and including the early 1960s, experiments pointing the way to large-scale changes to come, some for the better and, unfortunately, even more for the worse.

Therefore, another one of "The Last Picture Show's" many wonderful and endearing qualities is the fact that it is a snapshot in time of a uniquely American brand of innocence lost and maturity gained at far too high a cost (all real costs being spiritual in the end), not just of the film's narrative period of the early 1950s, but of the time the film was actually made, the early 1970s. Being viewed today, almost 50 years after its original release, it triggers nostalgia for both the early 1970s and the 1950s simultaneously, giving it another transcendent and mythic element that synergizes with the rest of the film's many virtues to such an extent that any minor flaws become comparatively that much more insignificant.

All of these actors, young and old, had dealt with these important issues during their lifetimes, the conflict of tradition and trailblazing change and transcendence, always a part of the human condition, but magnified and accelerated by the variables specific to the American experience, and this is why the performances are so true-to-life and realistic.

1) Cybill Shepherd
2) Timothy Bottoms
3) Jeff Bridges
4) Cloris Leachman
5) Ben Johnson
6) Ellen Burstyn
7) Eileen Brennan
8) Randy Quaid
9) Sharon Ullric
10) Clu Gulager
11) Gary Brockette
12) Loyd Catlett
13) Jessie Lee Fulton
14) John Hillerman
15) Sam Bottoms


Thank you. I couldn't agree more about Shepherd, and I could never articulate it as well as you have.
