Where can I by this movie on DVD?


Nowhere, however you can pre-order it from Amazon:-



I recently purchased a copy off ebay on vhs because I wanted to find Richard Rust in it. Are you sure you really want to buy this movie? I can honestly tell you, as a long time movie fan, that this movie is awful. No kidding.



that's vhs


bumped into dennis in the pub the other night...he still owns the rights to this beauty of a movie...all you who knock it need to go back to school and educate your narrow minds...anyway dennis told me he is going to release it on dvd...now ain't that pretty!


But if anyone needs to go back to a school, it would be people who think we don't have the right to an opinion. anyway, i bought the dang thing, didn't I? so how narrow can my mind be? Ask dennis to email me about Richard Rust sometime, please? thanks. (ps, I still think it sucks.)


there is nothing to fear but fear itself. if you want to know anything about richard ask me. why? because i worked with him on an episode of general hospital back in the good ol seventies, that's why!


Well, then can you post some stuff on the Richard Rust page? Anecdotes? Please? Something? or email me and tell me some stuff? THANKS!

ps, who are you?


that's great news , my only copy is a VHS off c4 recorded about 1982, the adverts are funny though , hope Dennis puts lots of extras on the new dvd , do you know the release date?






Just watching my own DVD cut o this...

It helps if you're stoned. The extras on such a official release could be awesome. 'American dreamer' needs to be there...

Wonderful musical film..


Agreed! This movie needs a proper DVD release, cmon Dennis, lets see it as you wanted. American Dreamer should be included, love to see that. Have the old Channel 4 version on tape too! Haha!!! Huge fan of this movie, have been in touch with John Wilkin regarding the songs he contributed and he wants to see it again....


Yeah, 4 years after the original post, its still on "pre-order" on Amazon.


I periodically check Amazon to see if anythings happening with its release and nothing. I've picked up The soundtrack album to The American Dreamer (which i didn't even know existed!), it features John Buck Wilkins songs from The Last Movie, brilliant!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Both The Last Movie and American Dreamer are knocking about on the net, though quality isn't the best



This could last for years....


Contact me off board and I am sure something can be sorted out...

"This could mean actual advances in the field of science."




$12 for a 2 disc set with the documentary The American Dreamer.


i saw this recently on a good dvd copy!


Due to Hopper's drastically failing health it doesn't seem like he himself is going to push an official DVD release at any point in the rest of his life now. The rights will fall into the hands of his estate after his unfortunate but imminent passing and they'll either try to capitalize on it or demand too much money for the rights which nobody will want to pay so I honestly don't know whether an official release will ever come. Might have to make do with the currently circulating bootlegs or pick up a used copy of the old vhs from a seller while prices haven't become even more inflated than they currently are. All my best to Dennis, hope he keeps fighting that b*tch of a disease.



A two-disc set of The Last movie and American dreamer has criterion written all over it!!!


I had no idea it existed until I saw the Easy Riders, Raging Bulls documentary. Sounds very interesting.



Contact me, I have a DVD copy I can send you.

My address is steamshipbooth at aol dot com


right now the only place i know if to get the THE LAST MOVIE on DVD is at modcinema.com, it's widescreen and restored... best you'll be able to find for now. hope that helps!
