lady frankenstein

i tell you it's rich to get these unusual movies you wouldn't have come across otherwise, the television channels i get show the most common mainstream movies, it's like it has to be made after 2000, and has to have huge names in them. showtime had a neat formula but dropped it and went the same way, you might remember they had the setting of showing action movies from 70's, 80's, 90's. today you can't tell it apart from any other movie channel.

we are on our way,
country to town in this sunny day,
in a car heading to the theatre stage,
today real life people we are going to portray,
i'm just gonna have a browse,
down in this flea market shop nearby,
on the town bicycling around,
realising a change of faces as i came back out,
the people we were supose to portray,
are now in reality and the world is our stage,
from the theatre stepped a bit to the side,
turned into the roles we were suposed to only be playing tonight.
