Missed the ending...

One day I was extremely bored and had nothing better to do than sit in front of the TV and watch this laughable excuse for a movie. I had a good chuckle with my sister over some of the scenes but unfortunately (?) I missed the ending because I had to leave. Can anyone tell me what happens? I'm curious. I also think this would be a great flick for Mike and the bots to make fun of on MST3K. Too bad that show is cancelled. :'( That fact is more horrific than "The Incredible 2-Headed Transplant" movie itself.


Dr. Max, and Dr. Girard tracked the 2 headed monster back to the cave hideout, mrs. girard and the other doctor were there as well, but too much fighting and struggleing in the cave resulted in the supports being knocked out and the roof caving in... so mrs. girard and the other doc made it out, while dr. girard, dr. max, and the 2 headed monster died inside the cave

"I don't pay hookers to come to my house, I pay them to leave" - Charlie Sheen


....thy also decided that they didnt want the doctor to be remembered for "this" so when the cops arrived they said that Danny the retarded guy had been the killer and he had killed the doctor in the cave.


the movie ended with the cops going back to the lab and finding the bad guy's head on the lab table hooked up to the life support systems all by itself.


"the movie ended with the cops going back to the lab and finding the bad guy's head on the lab table hooked up to the life support systems all by itself."

That's the ending of "The Thing With Two Heads". The end of "Incredible" is in the cave. People haven't mentioned that the bad guys face is blown away before the cave in.
