Not so Bad

Watched this one couple of days ago and find that its value is make me feel nostalgic about my childhood... watching these kind of movies. When you have 8, 9, 10 years old, you dont mind the direction, the cinematography, the budget, the script, the acting; you mind the scenes and a little from the plot but most of all, the monster. And you dont mind if is this 2-headed transplant or a gorilla with a helmet. If you ask any child who watched this movie, he or she could talk about the 2-headed Danny or the 2-headed monkey or the 2-headed snake for days. Not to mention the kid who makes a human head with carboard, paper or whatever and play he´s the 2-headed monster.

From a certain point of view, any adult could say: -"Its a bad movie-", and as an adult (and from a certain point of view) I could agree. But I think this movie is not so bad. It have its moments and by the way, I prefer The Incredible 2-Headed Transplant crap, millions times more than any several million dollars crap, like War of the Worlds, Jupiter Rising or The Force Awakens.

"You cannot threaten the dead with death, my friend. Only with life, eternal life!"
