Favorite line?

When Harold comments on good Maude is with people she replies," They're my species."


Yeah, I noticed that one when I watched it last night. Lovely.


A lot of people enjoy being dead. But they are not dead, really. They're just backing away from life. Reach out, take a chance, get hurt even. But play as well as you can.

Harold, everyone has the right to make an ass out of themselves. You just can't let the world judge you too much.

Vice, Virtue. It's best not to be too moral. You cheat yourself out of too much life. Aim above morality. If you apply that to life, then you're bound to live life fully.



Pretty much everything Harold's mom says cracks me up, especially when she gets pretentious and throws in some French. "...these amateur theatrics. These little...divertissements. No matter how psychologically PURGING they may be!"

I also like when Maude finds out she's driving Harold's car and says, "YOUR hearse?" And Harold goes, "Yearse!" It's so silly, I didn't think he was really saying that until I turned on captions.

And of course, "For aesthetic appreciation, always a little time!"


>> Maude finds out she's driving Harold's car and says, "YOUR hearse?" And Harold goes, "Yearse!" <<

Wouldn't be surprised if that was an unscripted adlib by Bud Cort, as was this great scene after one of the dates has run away in panic, and Harold and mother do some great stuff with their eyes. Bud breaks the 4th wall in an unscripted, silent adlib full of meaning…



Psychiatrist: Tell me, Harold, how many of these, eh, *suicides* have you performed?
Harold: An accurate number would be difficult to gauge.
Psychiatrist: Well, just give me a rough estimate.
Harold: A rough estimate? I'd say
[savoring the thought]
Harold: fifteen.
Psychiatrist: Fifteen?
Harold: That's a rough estimate.
Psychiatrist: Were they all done for your mother's benefit?
Harold: No. No, I would not say "benefit."


There are literally too many wonderful lines to pick just one as my favorite. After having read through those mentioned, I'll pick one that hasn't been:

"Don't be officious, you're not yourself when your officious."


They screen out the fat and ugly, so it is obviously a firm of high standards.

What can be asserted without evidence can also be dismissed without evidence.


Definitely this!:

Psychiatrist: "A very common neurosis, particularly in this society, whereby the male child subconsciously wishes to sleep with his mother... Of course, what puzzles me, Harold, is that you want to sleep with your grandmother."

ROFL! I just wish that scene with the Army uncle, psychiatrist, and priest came a bit earlier. It's humour gets eclipsed a bit since it's just before the bittersweet climax and ending. But, still a brilliant scene regardless! :D
